Emacs kill current line. Practical guide to Clojure development .

Emacs kill current line I'm a bit of an elisp n00b but may be able to do it myself if someone could point me to a function that behaves in a similar way i. A bit of Terminology Emacs has its own terminology for what’s commonly known as copying, pasting and cutting - namely “saving”, “yanking” and “killing”. Killing a line is simple: C-k, but this kills a line forwards. In the developer build, kill-line uses kill-region, which uses kill-append / kill-new / copy-region-as-kill. Another convenience for killing is to rebind kill-region which defaults to C-w and instead bind to that key the function 13. You need to customize save-interprogram-paste-before-kill to t. The kill-ring is much more than a typical clipboard, but that’s a In their current implementation, these two functions seem to do more or less the same thing, except that backward-kill-line can take a negative prefix argument, while unix-line-discard ignores the prefix argument. Insert Text The question asks how to kill the current buffer. We have a choice of killing the entire line, or killing from where we are to C-u 9999999 C-k should do the trick. 2. The kill-ring is similar to a clipboard: it is a list of the last 60 killed items, from which items can be yanked. The docstring says: kill-current-buffer is an interactive compiled Lisp function in ‘simple. As other answers suggest, C-0C-k kills from point to the start of the line. You get the exact same effect as vi's o with two strokes: C-e RET, which moves the cursor to the end of the current line and then inserts a new line, which leaves the cursor at the beginning of that line. 3. " (interactive "p") (delete-region (point) (progn (beginning-of-visual-line arg) (point)))) (defun delete-line (arg) "Delete (not kill) the current line, forwards from The big different is that the former saves what's deleted in the kill ring. Debugging is not really affected, you can single-step both the original function and the adviced code, however you I use the (query-replace-regexp "from" "to") expression regularly when making large changes in a text file. For a non-visual-line solution, how about using the built-in function copy-line? M-x describe-function RET copy-line RET If you use visual-line-mode and need more help beyond copy-line, post another comment please. The Emacs way to remove the word one is inside of to press M-backspace followed by M-d. If you want to kill the whole line, call kill-whole-line which is bound C-S-backspace. Here’s some Lisp to find duplicate lines and keep only the first occurrence by starting each search and replace at the start of the last duplicate – "Remove duplicate adjacent lines in the current buffer. I know that if I type C-s M-o emacs will summarize all matched lines in another buffer for me, but this is a different command with M-x flush-lines, and I have to type the regex twice which may introduce typo. Understanding current-kill (Programming in Emacs Lisp) Previous: The code for current-kill, Up: The current-kill Function . The simplest kill command is C-k . (copy-region-as-kill BEG END &optional REGION) Probably introduced at or before Emacs version 19. has different actions when called twice in succession. Also known as join-line. This deletes and puts the region into the kill ring. Changing delete default behavior in command mode. (defun my-kill-line () "kill current line. If you started Emacs from a terminal, the parent process normally resumes control. el. M-y. 1. You just have to replace the function called by M-<backspace>, namely backward-kill-word, with backward-delete-word, which you can easily define using the source definition of backward-kill-word found in lisp source for emacs. C-a - beginning of line #save the line to kill-ring using kill-line(this is faster than marking, # move to end of line and C-w) C-k - kill-line C-/ - undo kill-line # move point to required line C-p or C-n or C-s (search for the nearest line where the paste must be done) C-y # paste the line (defun copy-multiple-lines (&optional arg) "replace default `copy-line` function to copy whole lines to the kill ring. put this in your Emacs Init File: (defun xah-copy-line-or-region () "Copy current line or selection. First we need a function to select the whole line: (defun mark-whole-line () (beginning-of-line) (set-mark-command nil) (end-of-line)) This function moves the point and the mark. I want to write a function that will insert the file name of the current buffer into the kill ring so I can yank it to the terminal in another window. 13. This will push your clipboard onto the killring in case you kill something in emacs before pasting the clipboard. Alt-Tab to go back to Emacs; C-k two times (delete the current line, If I kill lines with C-k, wait for 3 seconds, I'm able to M-w the current line and paste just this line. If the cursor is at the beginning or after the end of the word, only one of the two is sufficient. You can Kill rest of line or one or more lines (kill-line). Go ahead and up up your source code for simple. Items that you save or kill end up there and yanking pulls items out of there. For example, in a RedHat SPEC file for building a RPM I want to leave just the lines that begin with /^Patch/ in them (and delete all non-matching lines). You can use crux-smart-kill-line which will "kill to the end of the line and kill whole line on the next call". Else if a prefix arg is specified, call 'comment-kill'. Some more advanced commands: (defun pg-kill-this-line (n) "Kill the line point is on. M-w. put this in your Emacs Init File: (defun xah-comment-dwim () "Toggle comment in programing language code. invoking this function will kill the current line in occur buffer. 5. Like `comment-dwim', but toggle comment if cursor is not at end of line. Prior Emacs 25 this also saved the mark (the other end of the selected region). Vocabulary: In Emacs, we call killing what others call cutting, and yanking what others call pasting. Is there a keystroke in emacs by which the line the cursor (point) currently on gets duplicated onto the next line. If the current line is blank, it deletes all blank lines preceding the current line as well (leaving one blank line, the current line). I'd like a regular expression, if one exists, for removing all lines that don't match. C-S-backspace Kill an entire line at once (kill-whole-line)The simplest kill command is C-k (kill-line). They show you the basic programing in elisp. (kill-current-buffer) Kill the current buffer. *, which, in this context, means "semi-colon and everything after it on the rest of the line". With prefix arg, kill 13. Killing Emacs means ending the execution of the Emacs process. With argument ARG, do this that many times. 2, you can set save-interprogram-paste-before-kill to a non-nil value (hat tip Tyler) to copy the clipboard selection onto the kill ring, so that it is available via C-y M-y: (setq save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t) If you're on an older Emacs, the following advice has the same functionality: You can define a delete-line function like this: (defun delete-line () (interactive) (delete-region (point) (line-end-position))) The function above mimics the behaviour of the function kill-line called without argument on a line with remaining non-blanks characters after point. Default transpose line in Emacs is NOT correct functionality since the cursor moves to next line after the transpose making it difficult to repeat it step by step. (kill-whole-line &optional ARG) Kill current line. How Can I add to every new column on a multicol environment the current section name? 12. . C-x ; Set comment column (comment-set-column). (defadvice term-line-mode (after enable-hl-line-in-term-line-mode) (hl-line-mode 1)) (defadvice term-char-mode (after disable-hl-line-in-term-char-mode) (hl-line-mode 0)) Depending on which version of Emacs you're using, you might experience an odd behavior in the minibuffer with the above code: either the full line or parts of the line might get highlighted every time you . This can be tested at least theoretically, by imagining 2 groups of emacs users of equal experience, one group having used a emacs version such that kill-line, kill-word, backward-kill-word don't push to the kill-ring. Use M-x kill-this-buffer. The standard command C-x C-t is bound to transpose-lines. First look Consecutive lines are almost exactly the same except for some trivial modifications. Cause the following command, if it is a kill command, to append to the previous kill (append-next Duplicate the current in Emacs Duplicating the current line is frequent editing for me when I am coding. The low-level primitive for killing Emacs is kill-emacs. In practice, put your cursor before the point at which you want to start removing the text (alternately, highlight the region you want to use). As an addendum, typically one can't use C-i as it's basically TAB, unless it's translated to something else (best if nonsensical) first and then bound to that. See Yanking Earlier Kills. /* Here is C-u doing what Unix does. Save region into kill ring. Three common kill commands in normal Emacs are C-k, which kills one line, C-w, which kills the region between mark and point, and M-w, which puts the region into the kill ring without actually deleting it. 2. You'll have to elaborate a bit if you want the exact behaviour of kill-line. (defadvice kill-line (around kill-indentation activate compile) "When killing a line break, also kill any subsequent One thing that has always vexed me is the Emacs kill ring. Also kill the preceding newline. When called in the minibuffer, get out of the minibuffer using ‘abort-recursive-edit’. Initially, I copied a snippet as a command in Emacs from the Internet: (defun w/duplicate-line() "Duplicate the It's even easier! Again, use rectangle commands. More to the point, we are not talking about stable sort, which means the relative order of identical elements are maintained. Fewer keystrokes is better! By default, 's' (for super key) is the Windows key on most keyboards and the Command key on Mac. (defun duplicate-lines (arg) (interactive This page tells you how to set emacs to kill (cut/delete) a whole line, and discuss some efficiency issues. Doesn't change kill ring. You can also set the Cut command (kill-ring-save 【Alt+w】) to cut the whole line when there is no selection. If the line is non-blank, the comment is placed after the last non-whitespace character on the line. Agree with @Slomojo here (it seems I cannot comment yet). This command is bound to C-S-DEL by default. I don't find this a common enough operation that I'd want to assign it a key combination, but if you do then it's easy to write a function: The command C-o open-line that others have suggested is not quite the same as o in vi, because it splits the current line and lets the cursor remain in the current line. How can I implement a function in emacs that kills a word, then if called again immediately it kills the entire line, perhaps called kill-word-or-line. These are known as kill commands, and their names normally contain the This page says how to get the same behavior in Emacs, so that ‘M-w’ copies the current line when the region is not active, and ‘C-w’ deletes it. – @Squid I think I gave the last comment without verifying your's properly. The sexp commands are generally the easiest way of dealing with After a couple of searching and experimenting, I came to a conclusion based on the other answers that the alternatives are the following: dd command on Vim: C-S-backspace on Emacs; o command on Vim: C-e C-j on Emacs; O command on Vim: C-a C-j C-p on Emacs; Yes, emacs sometimes have some "expressive" command combinations to do a couple of things, Copy Current Line If No Selection. How can I configure emacs to delete the current line and go to the end of the previous line on backspace if the current line is whitespace only? Most IDEs do this by default, for example: def main(): a = 1 | print(a) where | represents the cursor, then on pressing backspace, I In many programs, like SlickEdit, TextMate and VisualStudio, “cut” and “copy” act on the current line if no text is visually selected. Let's say you have a text buffer and you want to delete a line containing li in it:. 1 On top of this, Emacs has its own internal clipboard called the kill-ring. There are various ways to copy the current line to the kill ring in vanilla GnuEmacs:. Using the mouse. But if you prefer delete instead of kill , you can use the code below. This is useful for transporting lines via interchange in a few ways. Else, if the current line is empty, call 'comment-insert-comment-function' if it is defined, otherwise insert a comment and indent it. Backspace deletes the selected region instead of killing it, in other words, Backspace erases the selected text without saving/pushing it to the kill ring. We call “saving onto the kill-ring” what others call copying text. See section Indentation. This inserts the last snippet from the kill ring. Thanks for contributing an answer to Emacs Stack Exchange! Yanking line copies past kill-ring lines along with current. $ doesn't touch the newline character after the line, so replace with regex ^. You don't *have* to use these key-bindings. The simplest kill command is C-k (kill-line). Emacs, use Delete key to delete selection. You can give it the same key as kill-line, to replace it. Rewriting the function with this replacement retains the exact behavior of kill-line without any side effects. 16. Else, call 'comment-indent'. Although @Marcos's answer is idiomatic one (you should use it), let's explore other variants. ; You can also use either of these mouse selection methods to select whole lines as the SecondarySelection I want the current line to be deleted when Alt, and the letter d is pressed twice. Deleting words backwards with ‘C-DEL’ or ‘M-DEL’ (‘backward-kill-word’) is useful since each kill appends to the kill ring and is available as a single yank. emacs that I thought I’d share:;;; Take the line from the cursor and move Default Commands By default, the delete key removes a single letter (backwards). which is probably easier on the long run. Also, with the latest version of Emacs, you don't even need to bind delete-region to a key because Backspace does that now. This is very safe because Emacs remembers several recent kills, With a negative argument -n, it kills n lines preceding the current line (together with the text on the current line before point). ) If ARG is zero, kill current line but exclude the trailing newline. How can I achieve this inside my Emacs configuration file? Currently all I have is this in my . The DEL key deletes backward a character. 42. Kill region. It is surprising that Emacs does not have this by default somewhere Here's a way to plug in the behavior (I think) you want into kill-line: when killing a newline, also kill the indentation that follows. Cycle kill ring. If used at the end of a line, it kills the line-ending newline character, merging the next line into the current This page tells you how to set emacs to kill (cut/delete) a whole line, and discuss some efficiency issues. To delete a whole line, Alt+x kill-whole-line 【Ctrl+Shift+Backspace ⌫】. C-M-j M-j. emacs visual-line-mode 2021-05-01 Visual line mode does several things: Makes the kill-line command delete by a visual line, as opposed to a logical line. For many (most?) users, killing buffers is a rare operation, so please give details: which buffer exactly id you try to kill, what exact sequence of operations did you do; and of course: why do you want to kill those buffer. C-S-backspace. Triple-click ‘mouse-1’ somewhere on the line. Try feeding the input data to both sort -u and sort -us, you would get the same result which is not the same as delete-duplicate-lines's. 15. You may also want to kill the whole line before and after point with C-S-backspace which evals kill-whole-line. The commands for kill to the end of a line and end of a sentence follow the usual pattern: control commands for lines, corresponding meta command for sentences. Implementation of a kill word or line function in emacs. The default command for killing the As of Emacs 23. Now to save the mark as well use save-mark-and-excursion. @kindahero, the hooks are natural placed where the user, or other packages, can insert extra code in a controlled fashion. This page says how to get the same behavior in Emacs, so that ‘M-w’ copies the current line when the region is not active, and ‘C-w’ deletes it. (This is meant to make C-x z work well with negative arguments. External clipboard is not appended to the kill ring. With prefix ARG, kill that many lines starting from the current line. The latter doesn't. In Emacs keybindings, this is sometimes denoted as backspace (in addition to sometimes being called delete). Pressing g will revert the buffer. That will kill the word at point and save it to kill ring (as one unit). The current-kill function looks complex, but as usual, it can be understood by taking it apart piece by piece. , kill-line). If you do not want the string properties, you can use the 'buffer-substring-no-properties variant. To generalize this, if I could specifiy which line number onto which I want to paste the current line, that would also be great. M-DEL kills backward a word, and C-x DEL kills backward a sentence. kill everything up to the end of the word in the next line. If the See KillMatchingLines for the power of ‘M-x flush-lines’ combined with KillingText. Yank. Kill comment on current line (comment-kill). killing moves text from the document to the top of the kill ring. See the documentation for C-k (kill-line) for more information. With prefix arg, duplicate current line this many times. A couple of notes: When running the diff, the original buffer is marked as not modified - but you'll really need to save it. Function to copy the whole line if no region is selected. With an argument of 0 (i. If used at the end of a line, it kills the line-ending newline character, merging the next line into the current one (thus, a blank line is entirely removed). More than one kill-ring in emacs. Like C-w, but doesn't delete. . You could say that the same could be done using defadvice, but I thing that would have led to kind of wild-west situation. Save the region as if killed, but don’t kill it. By “operatively efficient”, i meant of less keystrokes or more intuitive, for general editing tasks. The kill ring stores several recent kills, not just the last one, so killing is a very safe operation: you don’t have to worry much about losing text that you previously To copy and paste a line i use the following method. Adding this: (define-key occur-mode-map (kbd "k") 'occur-kill-line) Thanks for contributing an answer to Emacs Stack Exchange! Please be sure to answer the question. 1 Killing from the Stack. Kill commands are Emacs commands that insert text into the “kill ring,” from which it can later be “yanked” by a C-y command. If I'm doing something wrong here, please let me know. 2 Killing by Lines C-k Kill rest of line or one or more lines (kill-line). These are known as kill commands, and their names normally contain the word ‘kill’ (e. you don't have to put point at the beginning of line. An alternative to using C-u 999999 is to hold down the Control key and then hold down 9, so you get, in effect: C-9 C-9 C-9 C-9 C-9 C-9 C-9 C-k. For point-to-string You can use kill-whole-line to kill the entire line point is on. emacs: (global-s 14. 1 Killing Emacs. You can use the function kill-current-buffer from simple. A related customization is yank-pop-change-selection which pushes your Is there is a way to rebind OS X GUI Close button to kill (C-x 4 0) the buffer of a frame - that is, kill the buffer and the frame at the same time? And if the buffer has no filename, Emacs will ask me to save or discard the buffer. The following advice does what you want (I think). Standard Emacs. " (interactive "p") (save-excursion (copy-region-as -kill (line See also MoveLine. To add, here is the quote from the Emacs manual: In Visual Line mode, some editing commands work on screen lines instead of logical lines: C-a (beginning-of-visual-line) moves to the beginning of the screen line, C-e (end-of-visual-line) moves to the end of the screen line, and C-k (kill-visual-line) kills Prior Emacs 25 this also saved the mark (the other end of the selected region). Killing by Lines C-k Kill rest I find it rather annoying that kill-word and forward-word treat newline character as whitespace and e. (The 9999999 can be any number larger than the number of lines you want to kill. C-y. It's so useful that I have this on C-i. 1 on OS X. Here is my snippet to move the current line or the lines spanned by the active region. Hot Network Questions Passing balls in a circle There are several ways to copy a line: The usual way: C-a C-SPC C-n M-w With the mouse: triple click on the line, type M-w. "Delete (not kill) the current line, backwards from cursor. With prefix argument ARG, copy that many lines including current one. call again to comment Yank the last kill into the buffer, at point (yank). E. M-^ (delete-indentation) joins the current line and the previous line, by deleting a newline and all surrounding spaces, usually leaving a single space. , C-3 C-S-o will duplicate the current line three times. If ARG is zero, copy current line but exclude the trailing newline. What would make a difference is using delete-region-- so perhaps you have a custom function somewhere that uses delete Practical guide to Clojure development with Doom Emacs. How can I make emacs display all matched lines to be deleted for confirmation? This will make the action much safer. Enable M-x kill-process (to kill the current buffer's process). el’. g. M-delete (ALT-delete on a Mac keyboard) will remove a whole word, but place it in the kill ring. (defun my/kill-line (&optional arg) "Delete the rest of the current line; if no nonblanks there, delete thru newline. I tried modifying the syntax table to include newline character into the word definition as follows: (modify-syntax-entry ?\n I want to get contents of the current line(the line with cursor) for my function. If the point is anywhere in the first sentence, ‘C-x DEL’ (‘backward-kill-sentence’) can also delete to the beginning of the line. Either replace the text just yanked with an earlier batch of killed text (yank-pop), or allow to select from the list of previously-killed batches of text. Comment in reverse using g c 3 k. The commonest way of moving or copying text within Emacs is to kill it and later yank elsewhere it in one or more places. Position of point does not matter. el and see if you have the same thing. My Emacs is 24. Such behaviour for ‘C-w’ is available through the This minor mode allows functions to operate on the current line if they would normally operate on a region and region is currently undefined. The most obvious is that exchanges the line the point is in with the previous line. If given at the beginning of a line, it kills all the text on the line, leaving it blank. When called from Lisp, save in the kill ring the stretch of text between BEG and END, unless the optional argument REGION is non-nil, in which case ignore BEG and END, and save the current region instead. *li. kill-this-buffer: Kill current buffer: SPC b h: home: Switch to Spacemacs home page: SPC b n: next-buffer: Switch to next buffer: (defun pg-kill-this-line (n) "Kill the line "Duplicates the line point is on. ). 3. If option `kill-whole-line' is non-nil, then this command deletes the whole line including its terminating newline, when used at the beginning of a line with no argument. 1 Deletion and Killing. 〔see Emacs Keys: Syntax〕. Kill rest of line or one or more lines (kill-line). Move to one corner of the rectangle you want to delete, press C-SPC to set the mark. Move to the other corner of the rectangle and press C-x r d (delete-rectangle). 1. Emacs tries to fit the comment between the columns specified by the variables comment-column and comment-fill-column As starblue says, (buffer-substring (mark) (point)) returns the contents of the region, if the mark is set. Note that this may result in no space being present after the cursor, which is why I think I'd go with M-1 M-^ or C-k M-SPC instead. " Here's a command to toggle comment of current line. Set (or customize) the variable kill-whole-line to t, then copy by killing and undoing: C-a C-k C-_. Such as: (define-key input-decode-map (kbd "C-i") (kbd "H-[")) (global-set-key (kbd "H-[") #'join-line) dired buffers don't set buffer-file-name and thus the call to remove-if-not in the above example will preserve dired buffers (as well as scratch buffer, term buffers, help buffers, etc, anything not visiting a file). Stack Overflow. However, if you're writing an interactive command, there's a better way to get the endpoints of the region, using the form (interactive "r"). Turn on/off line wrap for current buffer. I have some line functions in my . Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov Remember, that ^ matches beginning of line and $ end of line in regex. M-0 C-x C-t), it swaps the line that has the mark in it with the line that has the point in it. C-M-w. Most commands which erase text from the buffer save it in the kill ring (see The Kill Ring). You do this by substituting kill-region for delete-regionas in the following code, which also defines delete-word (delete word after the cursor). Negative arguments copy lines backward including current one. Emacs: Is there a clean method to find line segment intersections? I don't know, where you read about C-u, but it is bound to the universal argument in Emacs. I would like it to stop at the end of the line instead. This is just the basic usage. No matter at what column is the cursor, it will kill the whole line from beginning to end. Immediately after C-y, this replaces the yanked part by the other snippets in the kill ring. For example, move to the first line you want to act on, press C-a or home to go to the beginning of the line, move down to the last line you want to act on, C-u number C-f to This page shows very simple and useful emacs lisp commands that are shorter than 10 lines. Practical guide to Clojure development g c 3 j will comment the current line and the following two lines below. – I don't understand that by looking at a developer build of Emacs Trunk. On my Emacs, it is mapped to s-k. How to delete(or kill) the current word in emacs? 0. If cursor is at end of line, either add comment at the line end or move cursor to start of line end comment. You can use replace-regexp with the short regular expression;. You can also instruct kill-line Kill rest of line or one or more lines (kill-line). If ARG is negative, kill backward. 29. 2 Killing by Lines C-k. If you want to kill that text, C-M-u C-M-k (backward-up-sexp, kill-sexp). Delete a word without adding it to the kill-ring in Emacs. Such behaviour for ‘C-w’ is available through the command kill-whole-line, bound to ‘C-S In the menu-bar of Emacs-23 under [Edit] there is Cut, Copy, (NOT kill) a line in emacs. I can't think of an easy test that would close both file buffers and dired buffers, you'd need basically a whole second invocation of mapc with a different test for KillingAndYanking a line backwards can be done with ‘M-0 C-k’ or ‘C-u 0 C-k’. " (interactive) (copy-kill 'kill 'line)) A better approach (once you get familiar with Emacs usage) is to use some package to make your file navigation easier. Command: kill-emacs &optional exit-data restart ¶ This command calls the hook kill-emacs-hook, then exits the Emacs The answer lies in using advice, because the hooks normally run when killing buffers run after the "buffer modified" prompt you want to change. If the cursor is between the parentheses, the shortest sequence I can think of to copy the whole parenthesised group (including the parentheses) is C-M-u C-M-SPC M-w (backward-up-list, mark-sexp, kill-ring-save). *$ will produce an empty How to kill an internal process in Emacs? For example I run M-x shell. " In emacs paredit-mode one can kill all following expressions which are inside the current line by hitting Ctrl+k: (1 |(2 3) 4 5) (1) How can you do the same thing Moving lines is just quicker when you want to move them than kill/yankk is. When called repeatedly, append copy subsequent lines. I can check running processes with M-x list-processes but how can I kill a process from this list? Skip to main content. If you are not at the beginning of the first line you want to kill, then use C-a C-u 9999999 C-k. e. This is why I want a confirmation list. When `universal-argument' is called first, copy whole buffer (respects `narrow-to For some reason, copying lines in Emacs is very unintuitive and difficult. Turns off the display of This will remove the whole line and move to the cursor to the beginning. current-kill in Outline. Kill an entire line at once (kill-whole-line) The simplest kill command is C-k (kill-line). Sorry if it seems like a exageration of a small problem, See bug #13032 for delete-duplicate-lines in core emacs. emacs is (setq kill-whole-line t) Which basically kills the entire line plus the newline With prefix arguments, it will duplicate the line multiple times. The primary use for this is to kill (cut) the current something you might want to have in your . ; Click ‘mouse-1’ at the the start of the line, then click ‘mouse-3’ at the start of the next or previous line. ncfqsj udyz fhb hnuumxry tfb muagx cvere kpqlis beexj ssnqyyq